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сладкая кукуруза

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Sweet corn is rich in vitamin C. It is a potent antioxidant food that protects your cells from damage. As a result, vitamin C may prevent heart diseases and cancer. Yellow sweet corn contains the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin; antioxidants that can help combat free radical damage.

Ломтики бамбуковых побегов

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Bamboo shoots are a popular ingredient in many types of Asian cuisine. They're rich in nutrients and may be associated with several health benefits, including increased weight loss, improved digestive health, and decreased cholesterol levels.

Смешанные овощи

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Mixed vegetables contain several carotenoids: alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin. Alpha- and beta-carotene are converted into the form of vitamin A that is essential for vision. Lutein and zeaxanthin function as antioxidants.

Маленькая кукуруза

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Baby Corn provides the valuable nutrients that lack in most people's diets. It is high in potassium, folic acid, and is a rich source of vitamins A, B, E and many other minerals. Furthermore, it is extremely low in fat and has a lower Glycemic index than regular corn making it a great substitute.

Соломенный гриб

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All varieties of mushrooms are packed with nutrients and vitamins. They are considered a superfood because they boost your immune system and improve bone health. They are also cholesterol and gluten-free. Mushrooms are a low-calorie source of antioxidants, fiber, and protein.

Целый гриб

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Mushrooms bring a savory flavor to meals without adding much fat, calories or sodium. But the health benefits don’t stop there.Mushrooms are widely known for their great taste and amazing health benefits. Packed with a ton of essential vitamins and minerals, they make for an excellent addition to your diet, adding flavor to many different recipes.

Нарезанный гриб

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Mushrooms are a rich, low calorie source of fiber, protein, and antioxidants. They may also mitigate the risk of developing serious health conditions, such as Alzheimer's, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

Советы по выращиванию бамбука

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Bamboo shoots are a popular ingredient in many types of Asian cuisine. They're rich in nutrients and may be associated with several health benefits, including increased weight loss, improved digestive health, and decreased cholesterol levels.

Белая спаржа

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White asparagus is enriched with vitamins such as niacin, riboflavin, thiamin, vitamin-B6, and pantothenic acids. These vitamins are necessary for maximum cellular metabolic and enzymatic functions. Moreover, white asparagus is rich in antioxidants, such as Vitamin A, C, and E.

Водяной орех

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Water chestnuts contain several antioxidants that may reduce your risk of many chronic diseases and conditions. The potassium in water chestnuts may reduce your risk of stroke and high blood pressure, which are both linked to heart disease.

Маленькие побеги бамбука

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Bamboo shoots have immense potential of being used as important health food as they contain high proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, many important minerals, and vitamins. Freshly collected bamboo shoots have good amount of thiamine, niacin, vitamin A, vitamin B6, and vitamin E.

Побеги горького бамбука

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Freshly collected bamboo shoots have good amount of thiamine, niacin, vitamin A, vitamin B6, and vitamin E. Also the bamboo shoot based diets are rich source of dietary fibres and phytosterols and less cholesterol contents which make them one of the popular natural health foods.

сладкое алоэ

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The gel within the leaf of the aloe vera plant holds a lot of vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and antioxidants," says Dr. Manish Shah, a board-certified plastic surgeon and anti-aging expert in Denver. Research also suggests aloe vera has noticeable anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and antiviral effects.

Маринованные огурцы

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Pickling is a form of fermentation. When vegetables and fruits are fermented, healthy bacteria help to break down the hard-to-digest cellulose in foods, as well as some of the natural sugar. This is why some people who are lactose intolerant may be able to eat yogurt. These healthy bacteria help to keep fermented food safe and less likely to spoil, and can also help increase the good bacteria in your gut when eaten. Pickled Cucumber - Nutritions & Benefits. While pickles don’t have a lot of vitamins and minerals themselves, eating a pickle with a meal can boost the probiotic content of any meal you eat.


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Адрес офиса (экспорт): Офис в Гуанчжоу: Торговый центр ShunJing, № 610-611, № 855, Industrial Avenue South, район Хайчжоу, Гуанчжоу, Китай (материк) Шанхайский офис: No.806-807, Ailicheng, № 333, Lane 1, Jinxiang Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, Китай (материк)

Адрес фабрики: Синьцзян: Промышленная экономическая и технологическая зона Хэшуо Циншуй Синьцзян, Китай (материк) Гуанчжоу: 91 Зидзин-дадао, экономическая и высокотехнологическая зона Дунша, Фанчун, Гуанчжоу, Китай (материк) Хубэй: Промышленный парк Сичу, Цзигуй, Хубэй, Китай (материк)

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